
My wife and I are convinced that God’s view of the word “CHURCH” has a completely different meaning to most individuals perspective, whether they are Christian or not. Most people say it’s a building. To us, the Church is a collective body of individuals  made up of Christians  wherever they are at any given moment or place. We are called to live as ambassadors of Christ the King of Kings, a living, moving body enlisted in the great commission. Some people may GO to Church, instead of understanding that WE ARE THE CHURCH. For the sake of illustration  we could call the Church a tabernacle, except that we, as individuals who have the HOLY SPIRIT on the inside of us, are already a moving, living tabernacle. So by substituting the word “CHURCH” and replacing it with “OUTREACH”, we are hoping to shift the focus and see us all become involved in reaching out. At Trinity Outreach we want to see a move FROM:
  1. RELIGION to RELATIONSHIP (You can get to know God within the Trinity as your FATHER, your LORD, your Savior and your HELPER, enjoying a close and personal walk with Him through the truth in His Word.)
  2. PASSIVITY to PASSION (Don’t lose hope if you have been a victim of circumstances, poor choices or past choices, rather come be restored to purpose and destiny, living a full and victorious life.)
  3. CONSUMERS to CONTRIBUTORS (Already a Christian? Don’t be a Spiritual consumer only. You have something unique and invaluable to offer – please come over and offer it…
Ultimately, we left the business world to move down here to Cape Town to answer the call of God for our lives, which is to “Equip the Saints for the Work of the Ministry.” Right now, He is here with fire in His eyes, with His power and anointing, to get us through all tests, trials and tribulations; to teach us His ways as an overcomer, to receive Inspiration, Impartation, Revelation, Rehabilitation and Restoration! The true strength of an army is made up of a soldier’s passion to fight for the cause, for the Kingdom and for his King… Some soldiers still need to enroll, some need to be trained and some need to be sent out… So whatever position you find yourself in, come and visit us, we have a place for you. But, come expectant; because we will challenge you to become all you are meant to be! Come visit us dear friends, and learn how to be a King in the Kingdom. We look forward to meeting you…